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Design for Next / EAD 12 Rome / Design facilitators journeys through the jungle of co- in healthcare

This paper discusses experiences of facilitating collaborative creative activities within healthcare. The study consists of a larger case study on innovation scouting with the staff at the emergency room backed up by a series of seven retrospective mini-case studies. By means of discussing our experiences we identify insights and challenges. Challenges for design facilitators working in this domain relate to 1) dealing with the clash of professional eco-systems, 2) Positioning yourself ‘at the right table’, and 3) steering the intertwined processes of developing strategic direction and concrete feasible designs. The paper was presented at the 12thEuropean Academy of Design Conference (EAD) in Rome.

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'I think I spend 30 % of my time explaining people that I can’t explain why it takes so long.'

- nurse-researcher

Schrijvers: Remko van der Lugt en Tanja van der Laan

Platform: European Academy of Design Conference, 2017

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